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King Krule!!!
‣ I got into King Krule post-Ooz, pre-Man Alive!.
I owe this band and Archy Marshall my entire life. They got me through so fucking much. I'd sleep to 6ft Beneath the Moon almost every night. When Man Alive! was announced, I stayed up until the release. I remember it all. I was laying in bed, midnight, watching the Cellular video for the first time. I get the same exact chills I did back then when I relisten, which isn't often, the sensation and emotion is just so overwhelming that I keep it for particularily important occasions. They just do it everytime. When Seaforth released, I couldn't help but crying. Their music just resonates with me so deeply, it's hard for me to fully type out. It's so beautiful. Although they don't inspire my sound, they were one of the first that made me want to make music.